Manual projection screens

It contains all manual projector screens,mainly about manual projector screen,square outer casing manual projector screen,wall mounted projector screen,gain 1.1 HD fabric wall mounted projector screen

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Gain 1.1 Matte White Wall Mounted Projector Screen

Time:2015-05-26 11:18:36,Click:0

Gain 1.1 Matte White Wall Mounted Projector Screen Features:

1.Unique square outer casing,easy to install and elegant;

2.Gain 1.1 matte white fabric,large viewing size and HD images;

3.Unique self-lock system,it can be stopped any position you want;

4.Standard black border, effectively absorb radiation light ;

Gain 1.1 Matte White Wall Mounted Projector Screen Specification:

Gain 1.1 Matte White Wall Mounted Projector Screen Details: